July 30

August 2024 (OR MONTH 5) Information- GE3 (Genki English Year 3/ Advanced Students Classes)

Hi Guys!

For August (OR MONTH 5), we  will be doing the following:

  1. Warm Up (TPR) (Vol. 7)

“Stand up (raise hands), Sit down (lower hands), hands up, hands down, bow, clap (raise hands)” (students repeat).

  • Sing Genki English “Warm Up Song” (no music/music)
  1. Hello Song (How are you?) (Vol. 1)

– “Hello, how are you? “I’m (hungry- pat tummies), tired (go to sleep), cold (shiver), sad (make a sad face), happy (big, smiley face), great (throw arms in air), good (thumbs up), ok (OK sign)

  1. Attendance

– Take attendance. say “I’m here”

– “How are you?” Answer or repeat (with gestures).

  1. Review

Quickly review previous months Q and A/Last month’s Song

  1. Input Lesson:

Weeks 1&2: How did you get here?  (Vol.3) Weeks 3&4: Colored Beards (Vol.3)

  • Week 1&3: Introduce New Vocabulary- Repeat with Words. “What’ this?” With Words 2
  • Repeat the main phrase
  • Week 2&4: Do the corresponding Spaghetti Worksheet instead of the new vocabulary

 6. Song:

 Weeks 1&2: “How did you get here?” (Vol. 3) 3&4 “Colored Beards” (Vol.3 )

  • Sing the Song Acapella (No words)
  • Sing the Song with the Words

8. Output: Practice (Vol.3)

– Play the Game.

  1. Thank You Song (Vol. 1)

– “Thank You” and the words with actions (thank you, take care, goodbye, summer, autumn, spring).

Last 10 minutes- Play a game

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